About Farmex
The company manufactures the dicam control system which has become the most used controller in UK pig production and has been used in a wide range of other agricultural applications from calf rearing to potato storage, LED lighting control to wireless grain store operation.

The founders of Farmex started supplying ventilation systems to UK pig farmers in 1979.
The company was incorporated in 1980 and has since become the market leader in UK ventilation control winning the New Equipment Award at the British Pig & Poultry Fair three times.
Our Products & Services
Farmex’s ground-breaking remote monitoring system Barn Report Pro has been used to collect data from production sites for over two decades and the company now has an enviable reputation for advanced expertise in the use of ICT systems in pig production management.
Farmex exports 20% of its production to the USA.
For all your temperature control, alarm or monitoring requirements we at Farmex are always pleased to look at providing new solutions to problems both old and new.

Meet the team
If you have a control problem that needs a complete solution delivered
on time and to budget please contact us now and we’ll be delighted to assist you.
Hugh Crabtree
Hugh was one of five founders of Farmex together with Nick Bird, David Brooke, Harry Butterworth and Jeff Owen. In 1976 he graduated from Reading University with a First Class Honours degree in Agriculture. He then researched building performance until the company was incorporated in 1980. Hugh is well known throughout the UK pig industry and he was the founding Allied Industries Group chairman of the National Pig Association. He is Vice Chairman and a board member of the NPA. He is also a member of the AHDB Pork Sector Council. In his spare time Hugh runs the celebrated band Feast of Fiddles and enjoys rugby and looking after his 1955 Sunbeam Mk III.
Simon Leach
Simon completed an engineering apprenticeship with forklift manufacturer Lansing Bagnall in 1992.
After which, he joined Farmex as member of production and continued to study part-time to gain a HND in electrical and electronic engineering.
Since then, Simon has progressed rapidly within the company and is responsible for testing all Farmex products, as well as providing sales and technical support to installers and end users via the phone or the front line with unparalleled product and industry knowledge.
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